Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Helloooo Springtime!

I have grown much more attached to the colder weather in the past couple of years. I used to be a die hard summer girl, but this year in particular I feel that Fall and the holidays slipped through my fingers before I even realized they were there! And with barely any snow!

But lately we've had a few days that gave us a preview of Spring, and now I am yearning for some warmer weather. So lets have one last beautiful look at winter...
And now in honor of the first day of Spring, lets see whats to come!

And lets not forget Spring fashion!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weady or not, hewre I come!

I usually let the kids just play to themselves for most of the day while I do a few things around the house. We'll read a few books, play peek-a-boo, watch Tangled or Cars for the 18 kagillionth time, and I'll let them help me with some chores.

Not today.

Today I was all in.

I had three 2 year old boys and three and four year old sisters. And oh boy was it an adventure. Tons of cuddling and tickling and 2 hours of hide and go seek make for a very tired lady. I would have the girls hide and I would hold the boys hands while we crept around the house. They were so cute. I told the girls to count to ten while I hid. "Weady or not, hewre I come," they would shout. Of course I took my hiding opportunity to jump out and scare them. That's what any responsible care giver would do, right??

Anyway, as a result of my being involved I got to know the children on such a deeper level. The youngest girl is often very shy and reserved but today I received tons of hugs and kisses. The little man I have on Fridays isn't usually very cuddly but climbed up on my lap and watched his favorite show with me. Not to mention all of the unwarranted kisses from my little guy.

What a blessing to climb into their world for a little bit and just enjoy them instead of always trying to manage them. Even as a stay at home mom I find that sometimes the whole day can go by without me truly engaging with my son. Now, I certainly do not have the energy level to engage that fiercely everyday, but I do want to make sure that I am taking advantage of the time I have with them.

Whatever your situation - working mom, stay at home mom - don't waste the time you are given with your children. You never get it back. We are tired, rundown, overworked, and have a million other things to take care of. We tend to take for granted the people we feel will always be there. I don't ever want to forget what this time in his life was like.

Here's my little Noah, isn't he just gorgeous?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Submit? Eeek.

I couldnt wait to get married. Pick up dirty socks? Yes. Make dinner every night? Gladly. Let my husband be the leader of our household? With out question. Make love every night? Oh yea!


All of that became a little more complicated about 6 months into marriage. One of those in particular has struck a chord with me recently; allowing my husband to be the leader of our home or "submitting". We are currently in a life group with our church, The City Life , and our last meeting was about the roles of husband and wife and what they mean. The mens part was first and of course I  enthusiastically agreed with everything they had to say. Then they got to the women and mentioned the word....submit.

                                             I do not like that word.

So much so, that I could barely even say it. Barely even say it! Not without feeling some sort of anomosity towards the term. Now God himself made it clear that this is what I am supposed to do. "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord" Ephesians 5:22. As to the Lord - if I am not submitting to my husband very well, then I am probably not submitted to God very well. Ouch.

Now, honestly, I don't know exactly what submitting to my husband looks like in day to day life. But I want a marriage that thrives, and a walk with God that is all consuming. And I have the feeling that God just can't wait to show me the areas where I am trying to maintain control!

What about you? Does the word submit make your gut cringe? Do you feel you are pretty good at handing over all authority to your hubby? To God?